World Butterflies
In my World Butterflies series my intention was not to make a perfect copy of a painting of Picasso, Pollock, Lichtenstein or any other artist. Even if I wanted that, it would be impossible. My goal was to make a good reproduction of their paintings, so that they can be recognized. When people collect real butterflies they usually frame and label them with butterfly’s name and family they belong to. I did the same with my butterflies. Each butterfly is labeled with artist name and the art style they belong to. For instance: Papilio Picaso, Family Cubism; Papilio O’Keeffe, Family De Stijl... Papilio is a Latin name for some butterfles' species.
Acrylic on palettes & brushes after masters, framed wood panel with plexiglas
Acrylic on palettes & brushes after masters, framed wood panel with plexiglas
Papillio Van Gogh, family post impressionism Acrylic on palettes & brush, framed wood panel with plexiglas: 31x25x2 in
Papilio O'Keeffe, family De Style Acrylic on palettes & brush, framed wood panel with plexiglas: 31x25x2 in
Papilio Hofman, Family Pop Art Acrylic on palettes & brush, framed wood panel with plexiglas: 31x25x2
Papilio Hofman: Family abstract expressionism Acrylic on palettes & brush, framed wood panel with plexiglas: 31x25x2 in